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Texting While Driving Tickets: Costs and Consequences in California

January 11, 2012

Texting while driving is not only dangerous but also illegal in California. Understanding the rules, penalties, and costs associated with these tickets can help you avoid hefty fines and legal trouble. Here’s an in-depth look at what you need to know about texting while driving in California.

Understanding Texting While Driving Tickets

California’s Vehicle Code 23123 strictly prohibits the use of handheld mobile devices while driving. This law extends to all drivers, whether the vehicle is moving or stopped at a traffic signal. A recent case involving Carl Nelson highlights the strict enforcement of this law. Nelson was fined for checking his email while his car was stopped at a red light. Despite his argument that his vehicle was not in motion, the court ruled that as long as the vehicle is in gear, the driver is considered to be driving. The court’s decision underscores the intention of the legislature to minimize distractions and promote road safety.

Penalties for Texting and Driving in California

Texting while driving in California can lead to significant penalties. A first-time offense typically results in a base fine of $20. However, repeat offenses can incur a base fine of up to $50. It’s important to note that these base fines are just the starting point. Additional fees and penalty assessments often accompany these fines, leading to a much higher overall cost. For instance, in Carl Nelson’s case, the initial fine of $103 included various assessments and surcharges, reflecting the true financial impact of such violations.

Key Points:

  • First-time offense base fine: $20
  • Repeat offenses base fine: $50
  • Total costs can include additional fees and penalty assessments

Costs of a Texting While Driving Ticket

The financial repercussions of a texting while driving ticket extend beyond the base fines. The total cost of a ticket can be several times the base fine due to the addition of various fees and surcharges. For example, a base fine of $20 for a first offense can balloon to around $150 once additional fees are factored in. For repeat offenders, the costs can escalate even further, potentially impacting one’s driving record and insurance premiums. Understanding these financial implications is crucial for drivers who might otherwise underestimate the true cost of a texting while driving violation.

Legal Advice for Texting While Driving Charges

Facing a texting while driving charge can be daunting, but legal assistance is available. A seasoned traffic defense attorney, like Thomas Greenberg, can provide invaluable guidance. Attorney Greenberg specializes in defending clients against traffic violations, including texting while driving tickets. His expertise can help mitigate the charges and potentially reduce the penalties. If you’ve been cited for a texting while driving violation, seeking professional legal advice is a prudent step. Attorney Greenberg offers free consultations, allowing you to discuss your case and explore your options without any initial financial commitment. You can reach his office at (650) 242-0021 for more information.

Key Points:

  • Attorney Thomas Greenberg specializes in traffic violations
  • Free consultations available
  • Legal advice can help mitigate charges

Distracted Driving Charges: Broader Implications

Texting while driving is just one form of distracted driving, which encompasses any activity that diverts attention from driving. This includes talking to passengers, eating, adjusting the radio, and, of course, using a mobile device. Distracted driving is a significant contributor to road accidents and fatalities. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving claimed 3,142 lives in 2019 alone. The implications of distracted driving charges extend beyond fines and legal fees; they can result in serious accidents, injuries, and even loss of life. Therefore, it’s essential to understand and adhere to the laws designed to reduce these risks.

Key Points:

  • Distracted driving includes various activities
  • Significant contributor to road accidents and fatalities
  • Importance of adhering to distracted driving laws

How to Avoid Texting While Driving Tickets

The best way to avoid the penalties and costs associated with texting while driving tickets is to eliminate the habit altogether. Here are some tips to help you stay focused on the road:

  1. Use Hands-Free Devices: Invest in a hands-free device for your car. Many modern vehicles come equipped with Bluetooth capabilities, allowing you to make calls and send messages without touching your phone.
  2. Set Up Do Not Disturb Mode: Most smartphones have a “Do Not Disturb While Driving” mode that can be activated to prevent notifications and calls while you’re driving.
  3. Plan Ahead: If you need to send a message or make a call, do so before you start driving. Alternatively, pull over safely to the side of the road if you need to use your phone.
  4. Educate Passengers: Make sure your passengers know the importance of minimizing distractions while you’re driving. They can help by handling calls or messages for you.
  5. Stay Disciplined: Develop the habit of not using your phone while driving. Over time, this discipline can significantly reduce the temptation to check your phone.

Frequently Asked Questions about Texting While Driving Tickets

How much is a texting while driving ticket in California?
The base fine for a first offense is $20, with subsequent offenses costing $50. However, the actual cost can be much higher due to additional fees and penalties.

Are there any exceptions to the texting while driving law?
Yes, there are exceptions for using a cell phone for emergency services or if the device is designed for hands-free operation and is used in that manner.

I was ticketed for using my phone while stopped at a red light?
Yes, the law applies even when the vehicle is stopped at a red light or stop sign, as long as the vehicle is in gear.

How can a traffic defense attorney help with texting while driving a ticket?
An attorney can provide legal advice, represent you in court, and help negotiate reduced penalties or dismissals, depending on the circumstances of your case.


Texting while driving is a serious offense in California, carrying significant penalties and costs. Understanding the laws, the associated fines, and the broader implications of distracted driving can help you avoid legal trouble and stay safe on the road. If you do find yourself facing a texting while driving charge, seeking legal advice from a qualified traffic defense attorney like Thomas Greenberg can help mitigate the consequences. Remember, the best way to avoid these issues is to stay focused on driving and eliminate distractions.

By adhering to these guidelines and staying informed about the laws, you can contribute to safer roads for everyone. Drive responsibly, and stay aware of the consequences of texting while driving to avoid unnecessary fines and legal complications. For more information or legal assistance, contact San Mateo Traffic Defense Attorney Thomas Greenberg at (650) 242-0021.

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